Off-Grid Van Conversion

A self-built campervan inspired by the farm

→ Ceiling


  • wooden ceiling furring strips/battens were installed on the existing cross members of the ceiling.
  • 1/8” thick cedar tongue and groove strips were installed via nail-gun to these battens, providing the necessary flex to be able to bend to the curvature of the van ceiling
  • front and rear end battens were tricky since there aren’t van cross members, so some creativity and custom brackets were required


2021-04-07 16-55-34 (2)


2021-04-08 16-32-07


The end battens were tricky, since there is no existing cross member, so I made a wooden angle bracket attached to the inside of the frame above the rear doors with rivet nuts.

2021-04-08 11-45-09

Front end batten used the frame we had built for the partition wall as well as two small strips of overhanging aluminum (see the top left of the first photo)


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2021-04-06 13-03-44

Next: bed-frame-details